Wills And Probate

Wills and Probate pricing information


Standard Will

£310 excluding VAT

Mirror Will  

£480 excluding VAT

Complicated Will

£600 - £1200 excluding VAT


1. Cash and Other Assets:

Up to £50,000.00

£950.00 Excluding VAT

Care and conduct

.5% of value Excluding VAT

£50,000.00 - £100,000.00

£1,820.00 Excluding VAT

Over £100,000.00

£2250 Excluding VAT

Care and conduct

£4100  Excluding VAT

> £250,000.00 < £300,000.00

£4100  Excluding VAT

Over £350.000.00 

£4440 Excluding VAT


Disbursements non-VAT


a. Probate Court application fee


b. Each office copy of the grant required

£1.50 plus VAT

c. Swearing of Oath - per executor  


d. Post in the Local Newspaper to protect against unexpected claims

£150.00 to £300 plus VAT

e. Post in the London Gazette to protect against unexpected claims from unknown creditors (estimated) 

£150.00 to £300 plus VAT

f. Probate valuation of contents of the property - estimated 


g. Bankruptcy Searches - £2.00 per search

£2 plus VAT

h. Tracing beneficiaries - per person

£60 plus VAT

i. Will Search - estimated

£350 plus VAT

j. Land Registry fee  

£3.00 plus VAT

Other third-party costs will be advised as required, such as: accountant’s fee to prepare Estate Accounts, advertisement for unknown creditors, asset tracing, income tax return and lost share certificates and share register and other works concerning shares

Work to be included in the above fees- where applicable

  1. This will include meetings with you; considering, preparing and working on the papers, Routing letters, emails, telephone calls made and received. 
  2. Other letters, emails and telephone calls will be charged on a time basis.
  3. Taking your instructions in relation to all the assets, debts and liabilities of the deceased.
  4. Assess the value of the deceased’s estate, write to the banks, building societies, and other asset/liability holders to obtain the right market value of the accounts as at the date of death.
  5. Make enquiries of and ascertain the proper beneficiaries of the estate.
  6. Completion of the appropriate HM Revenue & Customs Inheritance Tax forms).
  7. Prepare an Executor’s Oath.
  8. Provide you with draft copy of Inheritance Tax forms and executors Oath to review and swear.
  9. Lodge the Will, Oath and IHT forms to Probate Registry for a Grant of Probate/Grant of

Letters of Administration.

  1. Dealing with any enquires raised by HMRC in relation to the Inheritance Tax return.
  2. Following the Grant of Probate, to deal with the collection of all the assets and discharge and discharge of all liabilities of the deceased.
  3. Ascertain the balance of the estate and distribute it or hold in in trust under the terms of the Will or rules of intestacy.
  4. Assisting you to ensure the relevant HMRC forms and Statement of Truth are correct and signed.
  5. Prepare Estate Accounts with full details of the administration.
  6. Arranging payment of Inheritance Tax if applicable.
  7.  Lodging application for the Grant of Representation at the Probate Registry.

Work not included in the above fees

  1. The sale of the property or transfer of any property in the estate
  2. The estate Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax affairs.
  3. The deceased’s Income Tax and Capital Gain Tax affairs prior to death.
  4. Claims made against the estate
  5. Legal disputes between beneficiaries on division of assets
  6. Disclaimers and Deeds of Variation
  7. A partner of the firm acting as Trustee, Executor or Court appointed Administrator
  8. It is your responsibility to report any further assets discovered after submission of the forms to HMRC
  9. The sale or transfer of any shares in the estate or obtaining copy share certificates or providing indemnities
  10. The Firm to act as overall and sole executors for the estate
  11.  Estate agency, taxes and HMLR fees


The probate procedure involves the personal representatives valuing the estate’s assets, taking from this any debt amounts and then notifying the probate registry what value of the remaining estate.

The period of time involved depends on what the estate entails: such as properties, bank accounts shares and others. The more assets involved in an estate, the longer it could take. If inheritance tax has to be paid, the values of the assets in an estate may have to be agreed with the HMRC and this could take.

a.    Obtaining the grant of Probate takes 6-8 weeks of the application
b.    Collecting assets takes between 6-12 weeks
c.    Distributing the assets once the above has been done usually takes 6-8 weeks.
d.    On average the estate will be dealt with within 3 to 9 months.

Hourly rate-if applicable

We will confirm to you our hourly rate and make available an estimate of the amount of time which we consider will be required either to complete the legal work required or in respect of stages of the matter depending on complexity. We are transparent in respect of our fees and will update you frequently on the costs of the matter.

We work to agreed hourly rates, as detailed below, with estimates for each stage of work provided in advance in our client care or updated letter.
If agreed to act for you under an hourly rate, our hourly rates are as follows:

Principal£340 excluding VAT per hour
Senior Solicitor£300 excluding VAT per hour
Solicitor£265 excluding VAT per hour
Trainee or paralegal£150 excluding VAT per hour

For a free, no-obligation discussion of how we may be able to help, please get in touch.

Call us on 020 7840 067 or send us an email and make enquiry on lineYou can also make an appointment to come in to see us and someone will be able to assist you. However, a consultation fee of £120 plus VAT –if applicable, will be charged for 45mins.

This meeting will take place in confidence between yourself and one of our qualified lawyers to establish the full details of your specific circumstances; taking down your full instruction; we will consider all the applicable legislation, policy and any case law that will need to be taken into account. A costs-benefit analysis and a full explanation of our duties towards you will be provided, with plenty of time for you to ask any further questions for clarification before the end of the consultation.  

We will deduct this consultation fee from your total fees once we are engaged to act for you.

It is not our policy to offer legal advice over the phone or by email prior to being formally engaged as your legal representative, but our solicitors are happy to understand your matter over the phone/by email and offer a consultation if it is required