Employment - Employers

We have a dedicated team who appreciate and understand the importance of employee’s to businesses. The amount and depth of Employment legislation in the UK indicates just how complex and important this area of law is. There is a vast amount of legislation for an employer to get through and understand in order to make the correct decision. We work to ensure we make this process easier for you and provide you with advise on your relationship with your employees and also work to ensure you have maximum protection against Employment claims from employees. We will not only help you defend claims from Employees but also assist you into putting in policies which will protect you from future litigation.

If you are looking for Employment Solicitors we are the ideal choice for you.

Our services include:

  • Compromise Agreements
  • Redundancies
  • Unfair Dismissal Claim
  • Discrimination and Equality (sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion)
  • Grievance & Grievance procedures
  • Disciplinary Action
  • TUPE
  • Director Service Agreements
  • Employment Contracts
  • Maternity Leave & Pay
  • Harassment & Bullying

Other areas of expertise